Saturday, October 1, 2011

Baseball and Jeter

We recently went to the Diamond Backs game with some family. It was a very exciting game because it got the D-Backs into the post season, and we Won! So it was way fun to be a part of that!! Fireworks and everything! And thanks to Emily Lunt and Jason Lunt for watching Jeter so we could enjoy the game!!

 We then drove to Cottonwood. Kam's family is moving in a couple of weekends and we went for Kameron to walk through his childhood home one last time. I decided Jeter just needs a pile of rocks for his and dirt keep this kid entertained for a while.
 Also playing with dirt in the garden...
 So Jeter doesn't really like to smile for the camera any more so this is a good picture! He also has a funny habit of putting his feet up. In the crib, in the car seat, high chair, and the sink...

 ("Seriously Mom, Stop") Look
 Yes, The sink. I go to Mesa with Kameron occasionally when he does to class Monday and Wednesday so Jeter and I hang out at Julie Ellerman's home with her fun roommates! This is in Julie's sink.
 Jeter playing Nephites!

We've had a great weekend so far! Conference, decorating for Halloween (pictures in the next post) and Jeter is on a long nap kick! Like three hours!! We better rest up because the holiday season brings a lot of traveling!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

September Birthdays!

We went to Queen Creek to celebrate Janel and Ava's birthdays! We first went to Cooper's football game and than had a fun party afternoon at Janel's house. Complete with Greek food, games, and football! Oh and cake! It was a lot of fun!!
 Jeter is obsessed with pushing strollers, shopping carts, anything with wheels! He was so hot and I had to force him to drink some water and get out of the sun. He was not happy. But he seemed to enjoy all the people and being outside!
 Joe, Brianna, Janel and Mark enjoying 10 year old get screamed at by their football coaches. Someone said it helps toughen them up for when they get older...hmm.
 Kameron and I
The Birthday Girl and Killian. I didn't get any pictures of Ava, she turned Nine!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day 2011

We went up to Flagstaff for Labor Day weekend. Everyone was able to make it which was very fun and we finally got all the little boys together for the first time. Conner, Logan and Jeter:
 This picture makes me laugh! Jeter's face is priceless, he is always giving an aloof look these days whenever we attempt to take a picture these days.
 Logan is six months and a sweet little boy! It was so much fun to finally spend some time with him!
 The trip started out a little rough, I forgot Jeter's bag (I felt like a horrible mother!) so we went into town to get him some new clothes to make it through the weekend. He needed new clothes so I guess it worked out. And Natalie and Caryn helped me out with all the other little things that got left behind like wipes and pajamas!
 Tanner and Natalie. The weather was perfect, seriously could not have asked for better weather.
 Conner is such a funny little guy! He likes to crawl just about everywhere!!

 Russ likes to give the babies new experiences and helped Conner and Logan share the stroller. It defiantly didn't last long but it was pretty funny!

 Sam and Conner

 This picture is so cute! Russ took Jeter down to the water to play.
 On the boat. Kameron was wake boarding and Jeter would see him out in the water and start crying and when he would fall. Pretty much if Jeter could see Kameron out there he would start crying, I think he thought he was in danger or something? haha! He loves his Dad!!

It was a fun trip, but it was good to get home and get Jeter back on a sleep schedule and in his own crib.
Jeter and his red cups!
So here are some more pictures I borrowed from Caryn's Blog, Thanks Caryn!!!
 Conner and Jeter playing in the truck, the ground is just too rough for little babies! Below Jeter and I around the camp fire.
 The family picture:
 Last but not least the little boys!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Killian!

We celebrated Killian's first birthday this past weekend up in Thatcher. His birthday is this Wednesday the 31st. This kid is so funny! He can make dog noises and can dance. He is a crack up! I was in charge of video taping so my pictures aren't the greatest, but I'm hoping to get some other that hopefully I can add later. We had a great time at the Thatcher park and overall a great weekend! Happy Birthday Killian we love you!!!

 Why I didn't get a picture of Killian's cute face, not sure. But here he is with Bri and Grandma Ginny. I guess Killian stabbed a piece of food and ate it! Quite the accomplishment for a little one year old!
Opening Presents! Killian handled the attention really well. He even blew out his candles (with some help from his mom)

Some more news: Kameron's parents have made a career change and are moving up to Laverkin, Utah in the next couple of months. It's going to be a big change, but that's life I guess! Kameron is commuting to ASU for his last class (whoohoo!!) But it's expensive and a realllly long day for the both of us. Hopefully it's a quick semester. He's still enjoying his new job and we are enjoying Globe and can't wait for the fall weather to kick in a cool it down!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Baby Steps

A while ago Kameron bought an Ex-tra large tarp for the boat. We ended up taking it back and down sizing but not before we really got the chance to enjoy the size of this tarp with Jeter on it!
 We also gave Jeter a little hair cut but we had to enjoy the long-Do before it was trimmed.
 We like to spend time with cousins!
 Jeter and I have spent some quality time practicing crawling. But just recently he has decided to use those arms and legs so conveniently attached to his body! We are very excited mostly because the poor little guy is frustrated with his immobility, which makes mommy frustrated. So it's a win-win situation! Hasn't learned the move forward part but he is learning very quickly for not having done anything until his 10 month mark. It's amazing his skinny little legs can hold him up that's for sure! Good thing he is still 16 lbs!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Raidrops Keep Falling On My Head...

The monsoon season is here! I don't think I've seen this much rain in a long time. It's great for the garden, but makes our house a little muggy. But it defiantly cools things down and rain is just fun!!

 I just thought this picture was funny. Jeter likes to read his magazine in bits and pieces.
 We harvested a watermelon and some corn the other day! Jeter was so excited!!
 or confused as to why a big rolly thing was sitting in his lap?
 I made these very yummy chocolate cookies. Perfect chocolate fix and a great texture. I want to try them with mint or even peanut butter! Mmmm.

 Just ignore the two empty spots....haha!
 My mom, Emily and I went antique-ing in Globe this past weekend and I have been wanting some cute S&P shakers! Well Globe is a great place to look! I had options but these were my favorite. I am kind of tempted to go get the others that got left behind...

I also had some visitors! Emily Lunt and Julie Ellerman came to visit us!! It was such a fun day. Lots of chatting and lots of laughs! Emily took some great pictures and also documented some funny ugh stuff. Haha! I would highly recommend visiting her blog for some comic relief!!

 Oh where does the time go? It's funny it seemed like we picked up where we left off. Like we just got back from spring break and there hadn't been a 4 year break. I love being close to friends and hope to enjoy more visits and make more visits to Mesa and see these lovely faces more often!
Best Friends Ever. Period!
ps--we miss you Molli!!