Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Family Pictures 2014

We finally got our pictures done! So happy with the way they turned out! I have some of the most handsomest men in my life!

Fun in December!

Just some other fun things we have been up to!
I just love this piece 
 My parents neighbors invited us to come play in their backyard any time! It's like an dream land back there!
 In the car...Brett's serious face.
 ...and Jeter's not so serious face...
 Love these to little rascals!
 Emily had her baby on December 21! Little baby Quinn, so so adorable!!!!

 Nothing like a nap in a tire swing!
 I told him if he vacuumed up his crumbs he could have a piece of candy, next thing I know....

T'was a Very Merry Christmas!

You can't have Christmas without sitting on Santa's lap! 

 And a Preschool Christmas Program! Jeter's line was the answer to the joke "what do elf's learn at school?" Jeter: "The Elf-abet!"
 A little Sophie Love :)
 Someone was getting a little bored....

 Jeter Loves his teachers! They do such an awesome job!
All ready for Church, these boys melt my heart!!!!
 Christmas finally came! Here we are all in our Elf pajamas!              
 Brett really liked his uncle Mark (Brett can be a little people picky) yay for uncles!
 Christmas morning!!!
 Love the faces!

 Santa got home made doughnuts Lucky Guy!
 Christmas Eve we opened the train
It was a great Christmas and we can't wait for next year!!!!! 2015!

Thanksgiving In Utah

We made the journey up to Utah for Thanksgiving, the trips actually went well. Leaving super early in the AM was a good idea, the boys slept for the first half of the trip! We had fun eating, looking at chickens, riding cows and four wheelers! Can't wait to go back and have some more fun with the Johnson's!


 Brett is scared of the horses at first but warmed up to them in the end!

 The sand dune's proved to be fun to slide down and ride on!

 Making cinnamon ornaments!
 Playing in the leaves too! I hope grandpa Russ wasn't trying to make piles....

 The ride home was actually somewhat okay!