Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Baby Steps

A while ago Kameron bought an Ex-tra large tarp for the boat. We ended up taking it back and down sizing but not before we really got the chance to enjoy the size of this tarp with Jeter on it!
 We also gave Jeter a little hair cut but we had to enjoy the long-Do before it was trimmed.
 We like to spend time with cousins!
 Jeter and I have spent some quality time practicing crawling. But just recently he has decided to use those arms and legs so conveniently attached to his body! We are very excited mostly because the poor little guy is frustrated with his immobility, which makes mommy frustrated. So it's a win-win situation! Hasn't learned the move forward part but he is learning very quickly for not having done anything until his 10 month mark. It's amazing his skinny little legs can hold him up that's for sure! Good thing he is still 16 lbs!!!


Emily said...

Go Jeter! Is it just me or is his hair getting blonder?

Natalie Robles said...

Go Jeter Go! Can't wait to see you guys in a week and a half. Yea!