Saturday, January 23, 2010

Snow Storm of 2010

Here are some Pictures of Flagstaff's snow storm this past week...

This was Thursday

Kam is making a funny face because the snow blows and it is wet and reallly cold.

Me in the snow, it came to my waist! Crazy! This is on Saturday Morning.

Kameron in the snow

The view to our front door
We decided to dig an igloo under that big pile by our door. It was pretty cool.
So besides having to dig ourselves out all the time and getting water everywhere in the house it wasn't too bad. Oh and the driving home from work on Friday at noon (I wasn't staying any later!) yeah driving in a blizzard and not even knowing if you're on your side of the road was one of The scariest driving experiences! Kameron had the day off on Friday thank goodness. He would have just been driving around in a blizzard!
One of the bad things was all the flat roofs in Flagstaff! There were several buildings that collapsed. Joann's, bookman's, little Cesar's! And some more and other were sagging. I think the snow has finished for now until Tuesday, probably just get some flurries...hopefully!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First Post of Twenty-Ten!

I have been meaning to blog for a while, but just kept putting it off and now I can't remember everything that's been going on! I do know that I didn't take any pictures over the holiday really...bummer. oh well maybe next year? Christmas was good, went to Cottonwood and Mesa. So good to be with family! Than for new years we went to Thatcher and stayed there for the weekend. We havn't been there since July! Too long. But the drive is horendous. And I'm not even sure that's how you spell it but it was worth putting in there! I wish it was only 3 hours even. Poor little Thatcher, down in the middle of nowhere. But it's fun to go and just get out the normal routine. So for Christmas Janel, my awesomely creative and good at whatever she tries sister, made us all these adorable aprons! And they're reversible! So cute!

School has started back up! Boo! The sooner it stars the sooner it's over I guess. My medical coding class starts in the next two weeks. It's been a while since I've sat in a classroom. A little nervous....But it should be good. Kameron is taking electrical systems, masonry, physics 2, and construction architectural...something like that. Besides that and work it's really what we are up to these days. We are in the big decision making process of The Door Shop. It's a very big adult decision and is being turned upside down inside out and everywhere in between. I think we've come up with, try to do it and if everything is falling apart and just seems impossible we won't do it. But we have to move forward somehow so we'll try to do it and if it doesn't work out it wasn't meant to be. It is defiantly a life changing decision though.

So other than life altering career choices we've just been surviving the cold, which we both decided we arn't big fans of. But it's not forever. Kameron is enjoying teaching is 13 year old sunday school class. He understands their behavior because he says he knows he was just like that too. Haha. Any who this post is getting long. If anyone has any business advice we are all ears. But we do know that when it comes down to it we have to make the choice on our own. I'll keep you updated....