Thursday, November 6, 2008

So much to tell

I feel like blogging is a journal. I procrastinate and than forget the details and too much goes by it's hard too tell it all. So I'll do my best. My job is going good. I'm the front desk at a chiropractic office. Yeah sounds's Not!! omy there is so much to learn and I serioulsy have not had a moment of down time this whole week. busy busy busy. It's going to take time for me to catch on so I'm not there an hour after I'm suppossed to leave. Don't you hate that! Kameron is doing good in school and is really looking forward to christmas break. Work is going good. And oh man is getting cold!! He learned how to use chains and winter saftey driving. Scary! Driving in the snow is bad enough but in a giant semi!

So they are renovating our apartment complex. I should have taken some pictures but I'm lazy. But they just put in all new windows So that means there was dust everywhere!! All over my Piano! talk about an unhappy katie when she got home from a long hard day at work!!! so we are going to deep clean this weekend. But seriousy the managment have been sending out letters of when certain things will be happening but I must have missed the part where they said you house will be covered in dust! sheesh! "I'm sure it will look so good" is what everyone says. I guess so. Oh and not to mention the paint that got on our cars. Yeah..not happy.

I was a little crafty last weekend. (Kameron seriously watched football alllll weekend. didn't even eat!) which is good because I was gone the whole time looking for supplies. I made a little plaque thing that says Happy Harvest with gold sparkly letters. I really should just take a picture. And I also painted some wooden letters that spelt out KITCHEN. Navy blue and I destressed them. It was fun, but seriously I really need a girl friend to do all that stuff with cause it gets a little lonely. But it was fun!!

Kameron's birthday is this coming wednesday!! Whoohoo! We are going to Cottonwood this weekend. I am going to a women's conference on saturday and than we'll head out. So that should be fun! Have a little party for Kameron and get out of the freezing weather!
But that is pretty much it! Just looking forward to Thanksgiving and getting excited to decorate for Christmas!