Thursday, January 27, 2011

Baby hair & Eye lashes

This past week has had some fun times! We went to dinner with Kameron's friend Justin and his wife Mallory. They are so fun! They live in Mesa and it was fun getting out with friends! Here is Jeter in his cute bear outfit Grandma Ginny got him, all ready for a night on the town. Cute little Guy!!

We went down to Mesa and Emily treated me to some new Eyelashes!!! LOVE THEM!


I wasn't too sure about the whole thing but I am so glad I let her do them for me. I can't believe how tedious the work is and how good she is at them. Thanks Em!!
Next up! Jeter got his first hair cut!! These are the before and afters:

I was kinda sad when I saw the little pieces coming off (I saved some) It was his baby hair! But the little guy needed it.

Now his new hair can grow in nice and even!

Kameron and Killian. I love Killian he's so cute and his cheeks are so squeezable! Love him to pieces!!

Right now we are trying to get Jeter to sleep in a crib, by himself. Let's just say I've never gone with lack of sleep for so long. Any tips?? We've let him cry it out and it didn't work. After two hours it just wasn't worth it. I'm thinking full tummy, nice and warm, dry and some music? I've yet to accomplish all these at the same time. The other problem is he wakes us atleast every three hours if not every 45 minutes. Yikes. I bought a mobil but havn't tried it out yet. Hopefully he gets the whole sleeping thing soon!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

count 'em, 3!

So today is Jeter's 3 month old day!! We love this little guy so much!!
How he's been growing:
height weight head circumference
birth- 20 inch 7lb 5 oz --
3 days- 20.8 inch 6 lb 13 oz 34.8 cm
10 days- -- 7 lb 7 oz --
17 days-21.5 inch 7 lb 15 oz 36.5 cm
9 weeks -23.5 inch 10 lb 5oz --
3 month 25inch 12lb

Kisses from Daddy!!

sad face :(

We've recently been helping Jeter learn how to sleep by himself in the crib. I wish we would have started this habit when he was a newborn. It's a lot of stress on us and him but he is already getting the hang of it. And we all sleep better too! I do wish that parenthood came with a user manual !!
what we've been up to:
Kameron has started school again, last big semester!!! He has a full schedule again. So the balance between work, school and homework begins again. I know he'll do great he always does!
I am working Tuesdays and Thursdays at the chiropractic office and Jeter comes with me. It's nice to get out of the house and put my energy towards something else other than house work and babies. I also met this wonderful gal in my ward who has an elliptical machine so I get to go over to her house and she watches Jeter and her 7 month son Luke. I can't believe how lucky I am!
We've been enjoying the unusually warm weather and watching Jeter grow up into a fun adorable baby!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

He's So Cute!

The two most important men in my life.

Can I say that with each passing day my obsession with this little boy grows! I want to squeeze him like a little kid squeezes a little puppy! Don't get me wrong sometimes I want to just sleep and ignore the crying. I don't want to change another poopy diaper or supply his nourishment, but when he gives us little smiles and coos and even a random laugh (which melts my heart) it is allll worth it.

Little Moses!

We took a family picture at Cade and Caryn's house over Christmas weekend. Notice Natalie's baby belly, due March 6th. It's so fun having babies on both sides of the families, makes life a lot more interesting that's for sure!

Monday, December 27, 2010

December Events!

We had Jeter's baby blessing on the 19th this month, exactly 2 months old! We had lots of family come up to Flagstaff and squish into our apartment :) but we had a really fun time! The blessing was so special. I was so emotional because I was just thinking about the hard road we had to take to get to this point. A misscarriage and fertility problems, to have Our baby being blessed was a miracle to me and I am so grateful. Kameron gave a wonderful blessing. I was a little crazy I guess, trying to make everything perfect and make everyone comfortable. I will hopefully get the picture from Emily soon....I only got one of Kam and I with Jeter. Jeter looked ADORABLE!
This random picture is just of Jeter practicing his basketball skills, with a little help from his daddy!

We had a wonderful christmas this year!! I have to say the last two have been some of the more gloomier, so this year was a breath of fresh air! We went to Janel's house in Queen Creek and spent christmas morning there, I was especially excited to see Nate, SungMi, and Aiden! We stayed up late and had fun playing games and visiting, here are some pictures...
peddi's and manni's! Thanks mom!!!!!

Jeter with cousin Killian and Aiden. Can't wait to have little Max in there!!!

So precious!

Christmas Pajamas from the elves!

here we are christmas morning.

I love this picture, this is how we all feel christmas morning and I happen to capture it on Kam's face!

Me and my baby boy!

So we picked up this puppy for Kameron's dad. It was a suprise gift for the Johnson family. She's the cutest little thing! She was snuggling with Jeter during nap time.

Christmas eve in our jammies.

The grandkids, we are missing Dane, Paige and Max we will have a big family picture this year that's been a long time coming!! We miss you Nick and Hannah, but we will see you soon!!
I can't forget Killian's baby blessing at home on christmas eve! It was such a wonderful experience! I love Brianna and little Killian. It really brought the christmas spirit!

We went to Cottonwood mid day on Saturday and spent some time there and than we went to Prescott for Connor's blessing. (Caryn and Cade's baby) it was fun spending more time with family. But it was nice to get home after a long weekend. I don't know if Jeter knows his home, but he always gets all happy when we come home from a long weekend out of town.

I am already thinking of the new years resolutions I will most likely set and fail to complete haha. But it's nice to feel like I'm getting a fresh start. Kameron got 4 A's and one C this semester!!! He IS AMAZING! So for now we will enjoy the winter break! Oh and it is turning out to be a warm winter. Hardly any snow so far!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Another Chapter

It seems this time of year many things start to change and new chapters of life begin. Emily moved home from Provo. She graduated beauty school and moved home as a hair dresser and eye lash extension specialist and a more mature woman, we are so proud of her for all she's accomplished! Yay Emmers!

So for her graduation they got to present models. Some girls did high fashion but emily did a "new" mom look

so I got a hair cut and color, make up and I got to wear emily's cute shirt!

This little road warrior drove 16 hours broken up 4 hours hours each day! He slept pretty much the entire way! Love the baby stage!

After the graduation we went to Tocano's with emily's friend katrina, her fiance and his sister. They resturant brings you meat on spickets and has an awesome salad bar. We had such a good time!

So on Saturday morning we got up at the crack of dawn and helped pack emily up and than had a visit with kameron's mission buddy Dustin. We then headed back to Hurricane and went to a christmas party that night. It was so much fun hanging out with people our age. There were so many kids! we had a really good time and we also got to meet little Ryan Anthony Jones, Kam's cousin Kicki's little boy, they are 3 weeks apart.

We also spent some time with grandma and grandpa Ewell. We always have such a good time when we go to Utah and always leave thinking of ways how we could move there someday...

Another chapter has closed in our lives, Kameron's most difficult semester is over and he now only has one full semster left! We now are on the hunt for an internship this summer. I feel like time is flying by, but we are so excited for each new fun thing that comes up, like christmas!!!! It'll be here before we know it!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!

I love this season! Thanksgiving and Christmas! family and food what more could you want? This thanksgiving we went to Thatcher, I actually went down to mesa early (kam's idea) and spent the beginning of the week at Janel's house. The kids got to meet Jeter, and we just got to have a fun time with the Lamb fam! it was just what I needed!

Dayton holding Jeter

Bri and mom came on Tuesday. My mom was supposed to have her foot surgery on wed but it didn't get scheduled? Maybe it was a good thing so we had regular mom and not a mom on drugs. the surgery was rescheduled for today! good luck mom!

we picked up emmers on wed and headed for thatcher!
Dad was sneaky and came home from his job in Nevada! he had a nasty cold, I think it was bronchitis. we had to take him to the ER tuesday night it was so bad. By the end of the week he was feeling much better!

I LOVED getting to be around bri and killian! there's always a blanket laying around and wipies at every turn! These two are just too cute!

yummy dinner!!!

we had so much fun playing games! we also had fun watching Killian pout!

little jeter sleeping away

Grandma Fensteremaker and Jason

I was so excited for Kameron to meet up with us on wednesday night! He is almost done with the hardest semester ever!
Janel and the kids came up Friday and us "little" girls went to see Harry Potter! so good! Janel even took family pictures of kam, jeter and I. I'm so excited to see how they turn out! And happy birthday to mom on thanksgiving day! we also helped her put up the christmas tree and decorations.
Bring on Christmas!!!

baby conner arrived on thanksgiving morning! we stopped by on sunday on our way home to meet him. he's soo cute and little! I can't believe how big it makes jeter look. crazy!!!