Friday, September 10, 2010

labor day

For Labor Day we went to Lake Mary and camped out with Kameron's family. The weather was great and we had a wonderful weekend overall! Don't picture me camping because I didn't :) Lake Mary is about 15 minutes from our home so that's where I stayed. We actually camped at another campsite and found a picnic area be the lake. I was a horrible picture taker, so all I have is Kameron's excited face as he fishes...

The boys went wake boarding and I raised my blood pressure playing wizard, oh and we can't forget Kameron beating me in cards by one point. Can't wait for next year when we have a bunch of little kids running around!!

I'm 34 weeks...about 6 weeks to go!
I am defiantly feeling the changes going on as the end comes into sight. I have to give a shout out to my work, they've been so nice and have been very helpful. My mind is saying work! but my body says No way, so they've let me make a schedule that will work for me and I'm still planning on going back with the baby when the time is right.
The 18th is my baby shower in Mesa, I feel like it's a milestone for me. Super excited! And my boss Nicole wants to give me a baby shower in Flagstaff Oct. 2nd. If you havn't received an invite to either one and you want one let me know! I'm mostly excited to get together with friends and family!!!
My nephews asked what a baby shower was for at Brianna's baby shower and we summed it up as a "pre-birthday party" So I can't wait to celebrate this very exciting occasion!
And how could I forget! Brianna had her little baby Killian. So SO cute. I just love him to pieces! I'll defiantly get pictures of the little guy next weekend.
We are still adjusting to this "new" schedule. It's a challenge but it's not forever. I just keep telling myself that. And it really is a blessing for how things have worked out.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Before and After

Finally! I can post the finished results of the boat!!! Here are some before and afters:

And the afters:

I'm so proud of Kameron for all his hard work! He did so much and stayed consistent. Didn't give up with the going got tough. It's nice we live close to a lake (Lake Mary) so we were able to take it for spin.
Other stuff, I had a GREAT weekend with my mom!! Just what I needed. How is it that moms are so awesome? We went to some antique stores and talked and talked and we went to Real Deals and pretty much found the perfect piece of furniture for a changing table/storage/will be so fun to have when it's not a changing table! It's probably good the store is only open Thursdays and Saturdays or else I'd be there wayy to much and want to spend too much money. But we had a great time! Kameron had a good time out hunting, didn't get anything but he had a good time. He starts his new schedule this Saturday. It's going to be tough but Kam is a trooper.
We went through the hospital the other day to pre-register. Made it all so much more real! Jeter is defiantly growing! And so is the belly, we can't wait to meet the little guy!

Monday, August 16, 2010

On-Going Projects

So I went through this little craze of, marshmallows? I decided I wanted to try to make some. I messed up the first batch, but was determined to find a better recipe and try again, so batch number two turned out pretty good!

Now I just have a bag full of marshmallows sitting in my pantry! They tasted good and it was fun!

The Boat:
So because of all the rain Kameron has had to postpone working on it so it seems to be dragging on, but he does a lot of the work at our humble abode, which means our house smells of carpet glue and there is carpet everywhere. My one project I was given was to re-do a seat cover. At first I was like yeah sure I can do that (no sewing machine) so when Saturday rolled around I was like uh yikes! But it actually worked out really good (for a seamstress of my level)

I took the back off and a side piece, by the time I decided I needed to document this adventure I'd already sewn on the side piece. The left side is the new piece.

Kameron working endlessly on carpeting lids to compartments.

This is a funny picture, but I didn't know what else to do. Here is the new back piece and side piece all put back together!
So obviously the boat project is still ongoing but we hope to have it done by the end of the week!
It's been hard work (especially for Kameron-he is one dedicated guy!) and thanks to Cade (his bro) for helping with carpeting, but I know it will be so rewarding in the end.
So this super nice patient that comes in at the Chiropractic office, mentioned how she had some baby stuff she'd like to give us. Whoohoo! Some of it's super tiny and some is 3-6 months. Shoes, and little hats, So SO! cute. I made Kameron sit with me and go through it all (one big huggies sized box!) What a sweet husband, anyways, here are some little booties she gave us (how did she know Kameron really likes Michael Jordan?!)

I can't believe how nice family and friends have been. Giving us free stuff that would usually cost lost of money and just making all this seem possible (it's a little mind boggling sometimes)
So thanks to anyone and everyone who has helped and I know will help us. We are just surrounded by such giving people. Thank you!!!!!!
ps-Good News! My mom is coming to spend the weekend with me, and Kameron will be out hunting! The best of both worlds for the each of us!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


So this post was so supposed to be full of the boat being re-carpeted, but as luck would have it, it rained ALL day Saturday. We woke up early and we could see the clouds, but it really hadn't rained all week. So we stopped by Home Depot and by the time we were ready to head out to the boat it was pouring! And it was socked in so we decided maybe not.

Instead we went to Snowflake to the temple, so next weekend will be boat weekend. And hopefully Kameron can get some done this week and get a head start on this giant project!!

So my parents have been going through this horrible house situation and just in the past week they went to court so a decision could be made over who owes what, yadyada...and they found out the they won the arbitration! This is a huge deal and it has caused my parents extreme stress. I'm so happy for them and for being honest and I just know the Lord was looking out for them. It was a very happy day when they got the good news!

So here is my sympathy paragraph, so beware:
Pregnancy is hard. I love feeling this little baby grow inside of me, but man! I feel like a cow a lot of the time. I can't breathe. It's like he sits in my diaphragm. And recently I've been having morning sickness! I thought it would go away after a week but it just comes and goes and it just is really hard. I'm tired. Oh and can I talk about indigestion/heart burn for a second? It hurts so bad it goes up into my jaw and I can't function. It stinks when I'm laying down to go to bed and acid starts seeping up into my throat and it burns and I just want to cry. And today! So my hand were swelling and I couldn't get my wedding ring off. So I'm at church in the primary room playing the piano and decided to take my ring off and set it there. Surprise! We leave and there is road work so we have to back track (I'll spare the details) we get home and I realize I've forgotten my Wedding Ring! Yikes. Long story short I got it back in one piece. Thanks Goodness! But honestly? Okay I'm done.

Kameron finally found out he is going to be running an afternoon route + Saturdays. Boo! But we are so blessed he even gets to keep his job and insurance. And it's only for three-ish months. Kameron says he is going to go into survival mode though. It's going to be a tough semester in A lot of ways. He's a trooper and I'm so grateful for a husband than works so hard.

So this is the only pic I have and it's not a good one, but I want to keep track of my "growth"

So here's me and Jeter at 30 weeks...
Oh, and the other night it felt like he was laying horizontal and pushing on my ribs? The pain was horrible! I took a bath and that helped, but oh man it was paiiinful! Sure will be nice to just have him here with us instead of in my belly!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fish and Babies

So this post is made up of a lot of different events and some randomness...First off is our little fishing adventure in Flagstaff to a little pond. Kameron caught a big catfish!!! some small other ones and than a bunch of people showed up (right after the rain clouds cleared) but it was really fun and I even caught a really pretty sun fish!

Hook, String, and Corn=sun fish fun!
Me working on my BBQ skills...
Next fun thing was putting together the crib...we were going to wait a while before starting all of that (not sure why) but anyways, Kameron got real mad at his Football game and so when I got home he was taking out the broken pieces and getting rid of the old TV upstairs, so it seemed like a good time to just put everything together are redo the room!

Thanks to Grandma Ewell's awesome garage-sale-ing we got this awesome crib for free!!

This past weekend we had Brianna's baby shower down in Mesa/Queen Creek. It was a seriously quick trip but SO fun! Janel is just awesome awesome at decorating and going the extra mile!! For example this adorable diaper cake, and later this table was surrounded by delicious chicken salad sandwiches and salads and fruits and mom's yummmy cheese ball. Heaven!

Oh and I cannot forget The best (and I'm not exaggerating) chocolate cupcakes. They are actually sheet cake? with frosting made out of flour...thanks Pioneer Woman for letting us in on this secret.

Me and Brianna

The ladies...
It was so much fun seeing Brianna's friends (who were always in our house growing up, like family) and friends from Harris 2nd, and long lost family!!! Bri got some Super cute stuff and just made everything way to real! Little Killian is due September 9th!!!
I have to admit it made my due date seem too far away, and I can't wait for my baby shower in September. I can't wait to see what Janel can put together for baby Jeter! Oh did I mention we kinda chose a name...? Jeter Davis (Jee-ter). Yes, yes I know it's different and it is the name of a Yankee, but we like it and it just seems to fit, it's hard to explain. But we like it (and if he comes into this world not a Jeter we have other names on the back burner)
We don't have much going on after all this eventful stuff, we are getting The Boat fixed. We've brought that thing back from the dead so many times, but we are determined to make this time last a lot longer and put it to good use in the future! Should be done sometime in August, so I'll post pictures of the final project!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Visit to Thatcher

Last weekend we got to go to Thatcher! It was a quick trip but we had a great time with family and just hanging out. Kameron and I went to the Gila Valley Temple saturday morning, and we went crawdad (spelling?) fishing on friday when we got there, took all the little kiddos too fun fun!

Emmers and I

Kameron decided to throw the crawdad at everyone it didn't survive the crash landing and after they stopped biting, it was fun while it lasted though!

We stayed up laaate so on Saturday I took and nap and LuLu decided to join me...

Game time!

Us girls on Sunday, I can already see that sad look in my eye...until next time Thatcher...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Outdoor Adventures!

This Fourth of July we went fishing in Williams and pretty much just hung out at home. We had a lot of fun fishing (especially because Kameron caught some fish!) And he's had his parents quad so he's been out scouting, one of his favorite past are some pictures...

Yummy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the road

Kameron finally got me to go out with him on the quad. It was fun being outdoors and all but by the end my body was DONE being bounced around! I think that was my last quad ride for a while. We had a fun time though, only saw one elk but Flagstaff does have one good thing: pretty scenery.

Kam on the quad

The happy couple
While we were out Kameron's dad and little brothers (Tanner and Sam) came to Flagstaff for some fishing.
Kameron had to work Saturday but we were able to drive out to Williams that afternoon and go fishing with them.

Kameron's trout, it was a good size too!

Russ with his monster trout!

Sadly the fish swallowed the hook and had to be taken home to Cottonwood (notice all the little fish...fertilizer for their garden)

So we had a really good time, no fireworks though. Too many fires up here in Flagstaff. On Monday I had the opportunity to clean, like really clean, the house while Kameron went to work. Not such a good idea for the pregnant bod, but it's all good.
So this weekend we've kinda spontaneously decided to go to Thatcher. Emily is coming to AZ (can't get enough of the people she was so anxious to be rid of) :) we are pretty awesome haha. But it should be fun going to Thatcher spending time with family!