Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Puppies and Monsters!

Jeter got the "Cars" push toy for his birthday and he loves it! We go out to the basketball courts and he just pushes away! Good thing the weather has cooled down and it's nice to sit outside now.
 For Halloween we headed up to Thatcher. Kameron and I gave our talks in church on Sunday, than I headed home with my mom and Kameron came up after work the next day. We had a blast celebrating Halloween with the little boys!
 Track. He is the biggest "baby" dog. He doesn't usually chase after balls. He sits on tables and if you sit down on a bench he jumps up and tries to snuggle with you!
My dad built tire swings for the boys. We still need to hang ours up! And he is in the process of building a dream tree house with a big tire swing...Seriously my parents house is a jungle gym.
 The little boys all ready to collect candy for their parents to eat...Killian was a monster/dragon and Jeter was a puppy! So adorable!
 Jeter was able to show all the different emotions a puppy might feel: Sad puppy
                                          Happy Puppy
                               Scooting Puppy
                                     Curious Puppy
                                      Tired Puppy
                                         Hungry Puppy
 Brianna couldn't miss out on the chance to join in on the dressing up! She was a luffa! (the round scrubby things)
     Killian eating his candy!
We also found a bag with some Halloween toys...

 Relaxing after a fun day of Halloween!! I think now that I have Jeter the whole Halloween event is much more fun. I am already thinking how fun each year will be the older Jeter gets!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Jeter Turns One!!

Before I start on Jeter's birthday we had a little visitor the other day. I was playing with Jeter and looked over and there was this lizard crawling along in the family room! I screamed bloody murder, not even exagerating! I can handle little lizards (like the time I lifted some clothes off the bed and a little lizard was just hanging out there, yikes!) But this one was not little. I had to wait for Kam to get home, about 20 minutes, to get the thing outside where it belongs!!!
 Jeter turned one on Wednesday October 19, 2011!! I love this little boy so much! I love watching him grow but I want him to stay little forever!!
 Jeter loves to walk around (with some help, but he's so close to walking on his own!) He loves saying "hi" and "dadda" he loves to crawl all over me and he loves his daddy because he makes him laugh the hardest!
 We had his birthday party on Friday and lots of family were able to come! We had yummy chicken taco chili, pumpkin sheet cake, chocolate cupcakes! We painted pumpkins, opened presents and had fun watching Jeter eat his birthday cake! It was such a good day and Jeter was such a good sport through the whole day!

 Jeter got lots of fun toys! He looooves having new things to play with!!

 Kameron helped Jeter put more frosting on his face...haha!
 Family Picture:
We had so much fun and are so grateful for all the family that could make it! We love Jeter so much and cannot imagine life without him!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

October Festivities

October started out with a bang! I love that a new season starts with conference. I love General Conference! I'm so sad when it is over and it always seems to go by so fast. It was a good weekend just staying home and getting the house ready for Fall/Halloween! Here are some pictures:
 I was really excited to use some home-grown pumpkins this year! And I kind of learned back to basics when it came to decorating them; paint and tape!

 I was bored one day and cut out some "spooky" letters. I'm not that excited about them, I think it looked better in my head. I do love my bats. I cut out a bunch of bats and put them around the house. It gives a fun Halloween "feel" all around!
 I'm proud of this cause it came off the corn stalks from the garden. My clever mom pointed them out and I was able to salvage some!
 I also made a blue berry crumb cake on Sunday morning. I love trying recipes, and this one came from the Barfoot Contessa from the Food Network. It was yummmy!

 So the next event was going to Thatcher. It was a fun filled weekend! We went to the fair, got to see Emily's friend Katrina and her husband Stephen visiting from California. They are sooo fun! We can't wait to see them again soon! Here are some pictures from the fair:
 Jeter and Killian checking out the Gigantic Pigs!

 Joe and Killian are in the background, we watched Bri and Kameron on a ride. Jeter was a little weary about all the noise and crazy people, but we all had a very fun time! Especially eating the fair food! Yum funnel cake!

 On Sunday afternoon we were playing outside and had so much fun watching Killian push Jeter around on this monster truck! It was so cute and so entertaining! Killian could really get some speed and Jeter loved it!

 The boys played like this for quite a while! Little kids are funny, they can do the same thing for quite a while! It was so much fun!!

 Jeter: "Come on man, Faster!"
And we LOVE the fall weather!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Baseball and Jeter

We recently went to the Diamond Backs game with some family. It was a very exciting game because it got the D-Backs into the post season, and we Won! So it was way fun to be a part of that!! Fireworks and everything! And thanks to Emily Lunt and Jason Lunt for watching Jeter so we could enjoy the game!!

 We then drove to Cottonwood. Kam's family is moving in a couple of weekends and we went for Kameron to walk through his childhood home one last time. I decided Jeter just needs a pile of rocks for his and dirt keep this kid entertained for a while.
 Also playing with dirt in the garden...
 So Jeter doesn't really like to smile for the camera any more so this is a good picture! He also has a funny habit of putting his feet up. In the crib, in the car seat, high chair, and the sink...

 ("Seriously Mom, Stop") Look
 Yes, The sink. I go to Mesa with Kameron occasionally when he does to class Monday and Wednesday so Jeter and I hang out at Julie Ellerman's home with her fun roommates! This is in Julie's sink.
 Jeter playing Nephites!

We've had a great weekend so far! Conference, decorating for Halloween (pictures in the next post) and Jeter is on a long nap kick! Like three hours!! We better rest up because the holiday season brings a lot of traveling!!