Sunday, June 7, 2009

Just a thought...

So we are moving at the end of this month and I am starting to look at my surroundings and the apartment we will be leaving soo. There was a couple that lived in our quad of townhomes. They had like 4 or 5 wiener dogs which you could hear throught the wall, but nontheless we were neighbor friends. The kind that you see and smile and say hi but never go beyond that. Well yesterday I was walking by and I look over and their place is empty! Should I care? I've never held a convorsation with these people, yet a part of me feels caught unaware. They left and didn't tell me! Just like that. Our doggy neighbors are gone from our life never to be seen or heard from again. Just makes you kind of sad how quickly people come and go from our lives.

1 comment:

Katy and Lorin said...

So true!! Good luck moving!