Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lake Roosevelt!!

We went to the lake...again! It was so much fun!! Kameron and I stayed the night in the boat! on Friday and got rained out on Saturday. Didn't even stay past 8:30AM it was raining so much! So we drove to Thatcher and hung out there until Sunday afternoon and Kam and I drove to the lake to find a good camping spot. I even had to drive the boat by myself while Kam went and drove the truck to a different dock! So we camped out and than the DeRusha clan came up during the day on Saturday. Kameron wanted to get some good fishing in since we got rained out. And boy did he catch some monsters! It was so fun being with everyone on the boat. And wakeboarding and trying out the tube thing. Wasn't a big fan but it was fun to see the little kids get so excited! So much fun!! Just so many memories that come with the smell of the boat and the lake. I hope we always can go to the lake! Can't wait to do it again!!
So the top two are of our sleeping arrangment on the boat. We got there late and had to hurry cause it got dark and we wernt prepared to drive the boat at night. Yeah didn't sleep very good but something I can say I've done. And the other is us getting rained on. A lot.
Oh just a side note, I forgot our pillows, matches for the lantern, cream cheese for our breakfast, and I didn't have a rain jacket. Thankgoodness it didn't rain that Saturday night! And I need to take more pictures! :)
Kameron caught about 4 fish. One on saturday and the others on Saturday morning. A couple got away from him but overall it was a great fishing trip!

Other news: We have decided to move across town. No price change which stinks but we will get our box spring and have a place that actually fits our washer and dryer!! We move the end of June. Before we know it we will by flying to Minnesota dontchya know! Time is just flying. I'm just glad we get to spend it with family!!

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