Saturday, December 13, 2008

Flash Back!

So I want to get in on the High School flash back post and I have nothing else to do, so here goes!

'K I'm not sure what look I was going for, but I know everyone else looked just as ridiculous
Spirit days anyone???

1. Did you date anyone from your school? Yes, my sophomore year, well I don't know if we really dated but we liked eachother?? And my junior year.

2. What kind of car did you drive? Oh boy, the colorful suburban. The spedometor didn't work and it was hideous. And than I drove the 1980 Nova hatch back. Yikes. Oh and don't forget the buick (thanks grandma for letting me borrow) Double yikes.

3. Did you pass your drivers license the 1st try? Yeah, and I accidentally put a railroad crossing sign as a stop sign. I was just so nervous!

4. Were you a part animal? Umm I like to have fun but I wouldn't say party animal.

5. Were you a flirt? Eh, if I felt like it. But I wasn't too flirtrageous.
6. Were you in bad, orchestra or choir? Oh Choir how I miss you.
Yay for regionals!
7. Were you a nerd? No. Okay maybe during the whole Harry Potter craze, but I straitned out.

8. Were you on any varsity team? Psh yeah I wish. Does All State Choir count?

9. Did you get expelled or suspeded? No. I got saturday school once, but I won't go there.
10. Who were your favorite teachers? Deffinatly Mr. Cramer. Mr. Mullenaux, Ms. Christensen. Oh and Mr. Morales was pretty cool.
11. Where did you sit during lunch? Well just a quick recap my sophomore year I didn't have anywhere to sit cause I was new. But thanks to Mrs. Katy Murdock she helped me find a very fun table. By the time I was a senior I was going home to get away from that place. Even for 45 minutes.

12. What's your school's full name? Thatcher High School.
13. What's you school's mascot and colors? t-h-a-t-c-h-e-r, thatcher EAGLES! green and white
If you can't tell that is Mr. Ren Thatcher and Mr. Chandler John
14. Did you go to Homecoming and with who? Well my sophomore year I was too young. My junior year I went with Koby Wadell and My senior year I went with Mckay Kempton.
15. Did you go to Prom and with who? Once again I was too young sophomore year. Junior year I went with David Claridge and my senior year I went with Chris Udall.
16. If you could go back and do it again would you? Um, you know honeslty It was some of the funnest most memorable times but I love Kameron and our future and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
17. What do you remember most about graduation? Feeling on top of the world! I remember the after party and playing HORSE with Ryan Nelson and beating him. So we played again and he kicked my butt. I remember taking lots of pictures and playing the piano thing. I remember not being as sad as I thought I would be.
18. Where did you go on senior skip day? Sun Splash!

19. Have you gained some weight since then? Um my junior year I wore a size four to prom. I would have to say yes the weight has gained since then.

20. Are you planning on going to your ten year reunion. Yes! I'm justs glad I don't have to plan it. Good luck Lyndee!
21. Did you have a job during high school. Here and there, but I just like to have free time and have fun!
The last picture I promise! My Girls!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Happy Holidays!

So we spent Thanksgiving in Thatcher. Well we had Thanksgiving dinner in Mesa at Janel's new awesome house and than went to Thatcher for the weekend. Had a great time! I love Thatcher and especially spending time witht the family. Kameron had to find ways to entertain himself while I helped decorate and went and saw twlight. But he did get to go shooting so it was a good trip for the both of us.

This is our Second Christmas already! Seriously time is flying by so fast!
This is the fireplace decorations that my Mom so generously provided for me last year that I couldn't look at until This year. It was a great idea cause I felt like I was opening up early christmas presents!

Kameron likes to get a real christmas tree and I have to say the tradition is growing on me. I love the decorations. It's simple but it brings the feeling of christmas to our little home. But life is going good. School is wrapping up for Kameron which he is so happy about. We are going to Cottonwood for christmas and than we'll go down to Mesa after Kameron works for a little while on Friday. And Brianna is coming for Christmas!! Whooo!!! It feels like our family lives across the world from eachother, oh wait we do! Haha. Someday hopefully everyone can live on the main land so we can be ALL together more than once every couple years. Merry Christmas to Everyone and have a Happy New Year!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

So much to tell

I feel like blogging is a journal. I procrastinate and than forget the details and too much goes by it's hard too tell it all. So I'll do my best. My job is going good. I'm the front desk at a chiropractic office. Yeah sounds's Not!! omy there is so much to learn and I serioulsy have not had a moment of down time this whole week. busy busy busy. It's going to take time for me to catch on so I'm not there an hour after I'm suppossed to leave. Don't you hate that! Kameron is doing good in school and is really looking forward to christmas break. Work is going good. And oh man is getting cold!! He learned how to use chains and winter saftey driving. Scary! Driving in the snow is bad enough but in a giant semi!

So they are renovating our apartment complex. I should have taken some pictures but I'm lazy. But they just put in all new windows So that means there was dust everywhere!! All over my Piano! talk about an unhappy katie when she got home from a long hard day at work!!! so we are going to deep clean this weekend. But seriousy the managment have been sending out letters of when certain things will be happening but I must have missed the part where they said you house will be covered in dust! sheesh! "I'm sure it will look so good" is what everyone says. I guess so. Oh and not to mention the paint that got on our cars. Yeah..not happy.

I was a little crafty last weekend. (Kameron seriously watched football alllll weekend. didn't even eat!) which is good because I was gone the whole time looking for supplies. I made a little plaque thing that says Happy Harvest with gold sparkly letters. I really should just take a picture. And I also painted some wooden letters that spelt out KITCHEN. Navy blue and I destressed them. It was fun, but seriously I really need a girl friend to do all that stuff with cause it gets a little lonely. But it was fun!!

Kameron's birthday is this coming wednesday!! Whoohoo! We are going to Cottonwood this weekend. I am going to a women's conference on saturday and than we'll head out. So that should be fun! Have a little party for Kameron and get out of the freezing weather!
But that is pretty much it! Just looking forward to Thanksgiving and getting excited to decorate for Christmas!

Monday, October 20, 2008

I Love Thatcher

So we went to Thatcher this past weekend! We went to Molli's reception which was decorated so beautifully and Molli was breath taking! We drove out to Klondike to find some wood cause my dad built a sauna (which was awesome, took me back to Canada) and we found this little place that was so pretty. Still waiting on some pictures my mom took. And Hannah did my hair which turned out great. And we went out to Gabby's cafe to hear Nick play in band. So here are some pictures!...
Me out at Klondike
The little stream we found out at Klondike. Didn't even know this was out there till last Saturday!

This is my newest neice! Paige. What a doll! I'm not just saying that. She is like a cuddly like buddle of happiness. Love her!!!!!

Me and Julie at Gabby's cafe. Hannah (my sister in law) was having her 10 year High School reunion and Nick (my brother) played in a band for the party so we went to hear them and Julie came with her boyfriend and later Allison (Hannah's sister) and her husband Brian came. It was sooo much fun! And Nick was AWESOME!
Me Julie Alisson
Me and Kameron (Oh and Hannah did my hair that day which turned out soo Cute! Hannah is Amazing!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Metor Crater

The Crater

Us. Oh and it was soo windy!!! and I look shorter cause I'm stading on the down slope.

Walking on the moon

My cute Husband!

Me. (This is just a picture of the crater so you can take cool pictures.)

The Crater is like 10 minutes outside Winslow,AZ

My white pumpkin

Our new Futon!

The new family room

The Piano--that will be teaching THREE piano students!!

The fireplace all fallishly decked out

Above the couch. I just like this for some reason.

We had a great confrence weekend. And as you can see I've been remodleing for fall! So much fun! Still a few things that I need to do. Like make polka-dots for my pumpkin. But that will have to wait until Halloween gets a little closer. Kameron's family came down for confrence and we got to go to Metor Crater. If you want more detail go to my family's blog "Forced Family Fun" I'm too lazy to type everything again. :) But life has been good. Still looking forward to the trip to Thatcher!! And I got another piano student. So now I'm up to Three. That's good news since I'm thinking I might want to go to massage therapy school. I still have some research to do so we'll see what happens...Kam is still plugging away at school and work. Oh and it's so cold here. I had a thick layer of Ice on the truck this morning. I'm suprised I made it to work alive. But it's windy and just coold! and it's only October! uh oh. Hope everyone is doing well!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Getting ready for fall!

So we went to Mesa this past weekend. Went to the temple and I was able to go to Molli's bridal shower!! It was soo much fun seeing my friends! I hadn't seen them since May. It's like I saw them every day for 3 years and than all the sudden I never see them. So sad. But they all were doing really good and I'm so excited for Molli! She is getting married October 17th. So we'll be heading up to Thatcher so I can go to the reception. And we had a fun time at Janel's. We had tacos and I got to experience dinner at Janel's house. Way more eventful than mine that's for sure!! But we stayed up and played Guitar Hero and her singing game, Karaoke and Rock Band. Even Kameron joined it!! I had so much fun I am thinking I need to get some of those games! And Janel's house is so cute it inspired me to start decorating for fall. So I scrounged up some money and hit up the dollar store and walmart (it's amazing what good stuff you can find!) It's kind of a work in progress so I will try to get some pictures up soon. But it's been really fun decorating for it that I got excited for Christmas decorating!! I find myself singing christmas songs every once in a while...haha. Kameron is working hard and going to school. There really isn't any breaks until Thanksgiving so we are in for the long haul! So I am thinking I just need to get a better attitude about my job cause I really do have a good situation I just need to deal with the job in general and stick it out I think. Cause people just arn't hiring so I need to make do with what I have. If anyone has ideas let me know! What I really need is more piano students! Man it's like people just can't afford that stuff right now or something. Makes me sad. But that's about as exciting as it gets around here. Happy Fall!