Monday, February 13, 2012


Jeter is all ready for Valentine's Day! He's got the looks and the style and he is the only boy in nursery! Well for now he is my little charmer, don't need him growing up too fast. He is growing up though and getting lots of teeth. I feel so bad the poor kid can't eat half the time and his mouth hurts. Medicine helps but cutting teeth just isn't fun!
What is fun is going out for cookouts! Kameron found this nice little area about 20 minutes outside Globe. We made yummy hamburgers and apple crisp and got to play with fire!
                                                                     Jeter just loving it!
 Thanks Natalie and Jacob for the grill! We are putting it to good use!  Daddy and Jeter by the fire.

 There was a cat that kept coming around so we fed him some leftovers. Then later we saw a sign "watch for rabbied animals" um yikes. But the cat seemed normal so no worries. And there was a watch for bobcats. So after that I was looking over my shoulder every 5 seconds. But it was a fun little outing.
Jeter loves hats. I love that he loves hats. Here he is sporting his baseball hat at the park.

 And he loves swings...
 Nothing like working with some tools with daddy. Jeter is all boy, seriously!

Here we are ready for church!
 That "why do you keep flashing that thing in my face crazy lady" look.
Well that was picture overload, I need a nap!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Tonto National Monument

Jeter loves it outside so we spend a lot of time in the backyard, in the boat, at the park. Now that the weather isn't so cold it's kind of nice to get out of the house and use the tire swing and go exploring in the large backyard.

This past weekend we went to the cliff dwelings. They're about 45 minutes outside of Globe with Lake Roosevelt on the other side of the highway. The weather was perfect, we got some excerise, and Jeter was in a great mood the entire time!
                                         Getting ready for the hike.
 It's all uphill, Jeter insisted he help push the stroller most the time.
 The View
Finally at the top!
Me pretending to gind corn. I love history stuff and it's amazing to see where these people used to live! I can't imagine little kids running around up there! 

 Walking down the cliff, very carefully.
We then enjoyed our lunch (that Kameron made) at a picnic spot.
 Jeter wouldn't look at the camera and when he did this is the face I'd get from him. Silly Boy. It was such a fun day!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

DIY Project 2012

For the year of 2012 I want to make a "pin" every month. Atleast one. If my budget and energy provides more than that, yay for me! And when I say Pin I mean that wonderful website called Pintrest and any Pin I have added that I want to try out. So for January I made these flowers: I wish wanted to type out the instructions, but...this link does it better!
 This wasn't a Pin but I thought it was worth sharing. These are weight watcher cookies (new years resolution-weight loss!!) But I seriously will make this recipe and just eat more of them even if I wasn't trying to loose weight they are that good. I think some major factors were the butter was at room temperature, I used a beater the whole time, didn't grease the pan, and used semi sweet chocolate chips. Not sure if those did make a difference, but I'm trying to figure out why these "healthy" cookies tasted so much better than any other un-healthy recipe I've made. And really they arn't healthy, weight watchers is all about portion control. These are mini.

2 Tbsp salted butter, softened
2 tsp canola oil (we used vegetable)
½ cup packed brown sugar, dark-variety
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/8 tsp table salt
1 Large egg white
¾ cup all-purpose flower
¼ tsp baking soda
3 oz semi-sweet chocolate chips, about ½ cup
Make like regular cookies (mix the wet, seperatly mix the dry, add together, bake at 350) but only cook for 4-6 minutes. And drop by teaspoons. Yeah they're little but so good! 1 point/2 points plus per cookie. Make them, you won't be disappointed!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

And a Happy New Year!

We went to Southern Utah for New Years we didn't get much sleep, rode horses and had a really fun new years party with all the cousins! It such a pretty place and we always enjoy visiting family there.

 we went out and looked at the chickens and every time we handed Jeter an egg he would throw it! Only two casualties until we caught on.

 We went out for a hike our last day and rode horses. It was fun, but I was under some stress because I couldn't find my wedding ring, don't worry we found it. But I was worried all day and it was hard to enjoy myself. Kameron and Jeter fell off the horse because it tripped so that was scary. I am just glad no one got hurt. We can ride horses again but I was done for the day.

The best part was going to Tia Pan and finding these little beauties! I'm not sure how I will use them but I couldn't not buy them! I love that place and the valentine display was to die for! They should build one in Arizona!
It was a fun trip but that seven hour drive was a killer. Jeter did really well actually, but we won't be taking any long trips for a while. So for now bring on 2012!!! And good luck on all those New Years Resolutions!!

Have Yourself a Very Merry Little Christmas!

I have been trying to get this posted for some time but blogger has been difficult and we went out of town for New Year's so, here is Christmas! We went to Janel's house in Queen Creek. It was a great christmas we really had fun and I loved going to church. Something about it just seemed right and kept us in the true meaning of Christmas a little longer.

 We are so excited!
 The girls in our elf pajamas!

 Jeter always loves getting new things, he had a lot of fun even if the day started early!

 I went up to Thatcher that week and we played with Killian's new toy...we are still learning to share !
 I have to find ways to entertain Jeter while driving by myself so I came up with the great idea of a chocolate hershey kept him quiet but it was bath time when we got home!
 The best part of christmas was the Kitchen table from my parents! Love it so much! I woke up the next morning thinking "was that a dream?!" But it was still there! I just love it!